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Lilongcai Color Printing Co., Ltd. wurde 2007 gegründet und befindet sich in der Stadt Xiamen. Mit 12 Jahren der Entwicklung haben wir ISO9001-Steuerungssystem erhalten. wir haben zwei heidelberg maschinen und andere maschinen für den nachdruckprozess ausgerüstet. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen Produktdesign, Drucken, Heißprägen, Stanzen usw. Wir sind auf verschiedene Verpackungsbereiche spezialisiert, wie z Papiereinkaufstasche , PVC-Fensterpapierkasten , kataloge , Stichworte , Aufkleber , usw. Unsere Firma unterhält langfristige Beziehungen zu einigen Import- und Exportunternehmen sowie zu Kunden in Übersee. Wir haben nachgewiesene Erfahrung im Export in viele Länder, einschließlich Großbritannien, USA, EU, Russland, Singapur usw. Kontaktieren Sie uns für Verpackungslösungen.
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We know there are always a better solution and how to save cost for your packaging.Include Smart Engineering,Alternative materials, Packing,Lording &Shipping. We always think More!!
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Beating Burnout: How to Keep Employees Engaged & Motivated
Oct 21 , 2022
Beating Burnout: How to Keep Employees Engaged & Motivated

Beating Burnout: How to Keep Employees Engaged & Motivated by Clove & Twine Have you recently felt exhausted for no apparent reason? How about having trouble focusing at work, being unable to relax even during your leisure time at home, or struggling to shut off your brain when trying to sleep?  If you can relate to any of these scenarios, you may be feeling the symptoms of burnout - and there's a good chance that your employees are feeling it too.  According to a survey from 2021 of 1,501 adult workers in the U.S., employees reported:  a lack of motivation, energy, and interest in their work (29%)  emotional exhaustion related to work (32%) physical fatigue related to work (44% - a 38% increase since 2019) Although the coronavirus pandemic can take a portion of the blame, the truth is that many people have been working far beyond their physical and mental capabilities for some time. Folks are experiencing burnout, and it’s taking a significant toll on their motivation.   How do you keep employees motivated when they’re already mentally fatigued? How do you ensure that employees feel supported and engaged in maintaining productivity?  Beating Burnout: Tips for How to Keep Employees Engaged, Motivated, and Productive 1) ASK THEM WHAT THEY NEED. Often managers will assume what employees need rather than asking. Unfortunately, those assumptions will miss the mark. Managers aren’t living the same day-to-day work lives as their employees (and vice versa). Having open and honest conversations with employees can be a challenging part of the process. Still, it’s crucial to discover the root of any issues, whether within the company or between colleagues and managers. Communication is key for gaining a clear understanding of where effective changes can be made.  If you’re concerned that employees may feel intimidated to give honest input, send a survey that allows them to select from multiple-choice answers anonymously. The feedback you receive is a great place to start.  2) SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE POSITIVE BALANCE AT WORK.  Rest is just as important when it comes to motivation and productivity. One study used a program application to measure the time employees spent on various tasks and compared that data to their productivity levels throughout the day.  The results were interesting, albeit unsurprising: those scrupulous about taking short, intermittent breaks throughout the work day were significantly more productive. This was compared to their coworkers who clocked long, unbroken hours in front of their computers.  Many employees feel guilt or shame about taking breaks, especially when the culture of work considers rest “lazy” or unproductive. When employees see their coworkers or supervisors working late or eating lunch at their desks, it’s a silent communication about the values that are expected of them. Communicate to your team that your work culture supports...

The logistics of loyalty: How to keep employees happy & healthy with a thriving company culture
Oct 21 , 2022
The logistics of loyalty: How to keep employees happy & healthy with a thriving company culture

Have any of these questions been floating around the office lately? Why are my employees leaving? How long have they been unhappy? What did we do wrong? What did we do right? Are we not paying people enough? Are my managers as adept as I believe them to be? Are people fostering discontent without me realizing it? How can I make my company’s culture better? Although the concept of corporate culture developed around the 1980s, the idea of enhancing a company’s character through its practices didn’t hit a stride until closer to the millennium. With a global pandemic and the complete shift that occurred in the way people work and live, the conversation about company culture has been reignited. Employees are now seeing that it is possible to live a more balanced life in a way that supports their needs and their happiness. Work-life balance for employees is a significant factor in a healthy company culture, and finding that sweet spot is one of many ways to help reduce turnover. What is company culture? Company culture is how a company functions within the workspace and the combination of behaviors and values that create a particular experience for everyone who interacts with them. At its core, company culture cultivates an atmosphere of positive engagement and encourages growth. A company’s culture helps to define what behaviors are acceptable clearly and fosters trust between leaders, employees, customers, and clients. This HubSpot article polled 500 marketing professionals (at B2B and B2C businesses) who wanted to learn more about the reasons behind the high turnover rates at their companies. The analysis ultimately showed that: 41% left because of a lack of work-life balance 37% cited a lack of flexible work schedules as a reason As mentioned earlier, this is only one component that builds a foundation of a healthy company culture. Employees also cited a lack of remote work options, not enough opportunities for career growth, and burnout. "Your employees aren't leaving just because they've found better opportunities elsewhere. They're leaving because this is the first chance they've gotten to re-balance the scales of their own wellbeing and success, scales that you and your company swung out of whack during the pandemic." - Lily Zheng, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist & Consultant How do I know if my company has an unhealthy culture? A toxic work culture occurs when a company prioritizes practices without the well-being of its workforce in mind. Often policies are outdated or continued simply because that’s how it’s always been done - without a reexamination of whether or not those policies are still practical or relevant. An old way of thought is that maximizing employee hours in the office increases productivity when in reality the opposite is proving to be true. Iceland even gave a shorter work week a try to see how it impacted productivity and employee wellness, and the results were overwhelmingly positive. The study was conduct...

Efficient team
Jul 13 , 2022
Efficient team

In order to enhance the team sense of responsibility, establish a pragmatic style, strengthen the implementation effect, improve work efficiency, recently, our company participated in the "efficient team" special training, the whole department staff participated in the training.  The training centers on four aspects: "team and group differentiation", "qualified team elements", "how to enhance team cohesion", and "how to be grateful and gather strength".  How do our teachers build team cohesion, take training as the core, adopt the world's most popular experiential learning, namely interactive training of game experience, simulation, practice, role play, practical skills and so on, and train after the training, the participating employees expressed gratitude to the company for providing a platform.

Enterprise training
Mar 01 , 2022
Enterprise training

In order to better implement lean management, improve operation skills and expand working ideas, on February 20, 2022, our company organized front-line employees to go to Tiancheng for three days and two nights of training. The main content of this study includes two parts of staff's post operation ability and management ability. During the whole learning process, our staff are well disciplined, study hard, consult with an open mind and show a good spirit. We benefit a lot from this training. They not only improved their cognitive ability and operational ability of their positions, but also broadened their ideas of on-site lean management, which inspired them a lot and taught them new methods. We will make full use of our strengths to complement our weaknesses, and continue to improve, so as to improve the work efficiency, enhance the overall image of the company, and promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise!

die Epidemie des antijapanischen Krieges
Nov 25 , 2021
die Epidemie des antijapanischen Krieges

im September dieses Jahres, erlebte unser Unternehmen die Schließung und Kontrolle der Epidemie,, die zu einer Unterbrechung des Produktionsfortschritts und einer langsamen Produktion führte. Ich möchte allen unseren Kunden für unser Verständnis und unsere Unterstützung.bei der unterstützung der regierung und die bemühungen aller mitarbeiter Anfang oktober, habe ich die produktion wieder voll aufgenommen. ich freue mich auf eine bessere zusammenarbeit mit ihnen.der betrieb der druckereien ist insgesamt. egal welche Probleme bei der Bestellung,Beschaffung,Produktion und Lieferung, auftreten, können sie den normalen Betriebsablauf des Unternehmens stören und zu einer schrittweisen Produktionsstagnation führen.was sollten Druckereien mit dem bevorstehenden Wiederaufflammen der Epidemie tun? und der mögliche und wiederholte Ausbruch,, der in der Zukunft auftreten wird? Zunächst einmal, ist es natürlich notwendig, eng mit lokalen Seuchenbekämpfungsmaßnahmen zusammenzuarbeiten und ihren Teil zu einem frühzeitigen Ende der Ausbreitung der Epidemie beizutragen. gleichzeitig, Druckereien können auch ihre eigenen Probleme bei Bestellungen, Beschaffung, Produktion und Lieferung, berücksichtigen und wiederholt Pläne zur Bewältigung des möglichen Ausbruchs in der Zukunft. in den schwierigen Herausforderungen der Epidemie, machen unser Chef brachte die Mitarbeiter dazu, aktiv mit der Regierung zusammenzuarbeiten, auf den Aufruf der Regierung zu reagieren, "Mitarbeiter zur Epidemieprävention", zu tun, in der Hoffnung, die Schwierigkeiten so schnell wie möglich zu überwinden; stand an vorderster Front des Seuchenschutzes, und trug zur Seuchenprävention und -bekämpfung bei.schließlich, wurde die Produktion Anfang Oktober wieder aufgenommen, und alle Arbeiter versuchten, die Schwierigkeiten gemeinsam zu überwinden.

Aug 27 , 2020

Liebe Freunde, hoffe es geht dir gut. anbei finden sie ein bild einiger aktueller muster von Papiertüte und Karton .Bitte lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Details benötigen. schöne Grüße!

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